April 3rd 2023

in Blog Posts

Been a crazy few months since my last post, which was my Dev Log 1. Lots has happened in that time, so lets dive into it.

Whats happening with the game?

It’s still happening! Working away at it bit by bit. I’ll have another dev log coming in a few more weeks but for now what I can tell you is we swapped engines. We went from Godot, which is a very strong engine but it has a learning curve that I wasn’t anticipating or ready for, and after much deliberation we decided to switch over to Unreal Engine 5. Things are moving smoothly and quicker than before. More to come on that.

Yes, This is Dog Vol 1

My debut record is coming out shortly! No concrete date yet for release but it is being mastered by none of than the man, the myth, the legend, Hammy Havoc. It’s been a few years in the making, and I am quite proud of myself. It will also feature remixes from Hammy Havoc himself and as well as Mary Mahoney. Keep your eyes peeled for that.

New Rig

I’ve also finally upgraded my computer! Having rocker an FX8350 based system for the last decade, I felt it was time to finally upgrade and set myself up for the future and what projects it brings me. Only to be limited by my imagination rather than hardware. You can check out what the system is over at my /uses/ page, along with some other goodies.

Pooch Photo

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